The Web Hosting Hub systems team will be doing some scheduled maintenance on several servers. The maintenance is routine and involves the replacement of RAID card batteries and a network switch. No more than 20 minutes of downtime is expected per server in order for the maintenance to be completed.

Affected Servers

The servers that are affected by this battery replacement maintenance include (How do I find my server information?):

  • whub27
  • whub21

Replacement of the RAID card batteries is scheduled for 11/12 at 2:00 AM EST (11:00 PM PST). The expected duration to complete the maintenance is up to 10 minutes.

The servers that are affected by this network switch replacement maintenance include:

  • whub44
  • whub39

Replacement of the network switch is scheduled for 11/11 at 2:00 AM EST (11:00 PM PST). The expected duration to complete the maintenance is up to 20 minutes.

We expect the impact of the maintenance on each customer to be less than 30 minutes per server. These maintenance activities are performed in order to keep the servers running optimally. We appreciate your patience and understanding as the work is completed.

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