Issue:Outlook 2013 Inbox is empty and not showing emails.
Status: Resolved
Who is impacted? Customers using MS Outlook 2013.
Estimated time until resolution: Microsoft issued an update on Jan. 14, 2014.
Make sure you have setup outlook 2013 using IMAP, and subscribed to your Inbox successfully.


Microsoft released update 2850061 on 01/14/14, to correct this issue. You can download it here, or by using your Windows Update.


Microsoft updated Outlook 2013 and it caused an issue that affected many users. Here is a link to the Official Microsoft forum discussing this issue.

Some customers are reporting that this will help:

  1. Under the "Folder" tab, click "IMAP Folders."
  2. Outlook should open a dialog box with IMAP folders. There is a checkbox that says, "When displaying hierarchy in outlook, show only the subscribed folders." That should be unchecked, then force a send/receive and it should immediately start downloading the inbox files.

If your problems continue, we recommend posting your question in the Official Microsoft Forums, or checking there for a solution.
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2015-11-04 11:55 pm

we thank you for the program

n/a Points
2015-11-05 12:02 am

thank you so match

n/a Points
2015-11-05 12:06 am

i hope that you accept me and you my greetings

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