We have a planned maintenance window scheduled for the evening of October 15, 2014. We make every effort to minimize downtime as a result of maintenance. However, maintenance is sometimes necessary to ensure the stability and security of our hosting environment. Find out what server your account is on.

cPanel 11.44 Upgrades

All WHH servers will be getting cPanel upgrades on October 15, 2014 at 9PM (EDT). No outages are expected during the upgrade, but the cPanel my be intermittently unavailable.

Note: This version of cPanel includes an updated MySQL version (5.6.16 -> 5.6.17) that may be applied on some of these servers and result in MySQL being restarted.
Server# Date/time of maintenance Maintenance performed Impact of customer Duration to complete work
ALL 10/15/2014 - 9:00 PM (EDT) cPanel Upgrade No outages expected, but cPanel may be intermittently unavailable Up to 50 minutes per server
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