Issue: Spectre and Meltdown
Status: Patches from KernelCare are going to be applied systematically over the next 24 hours.
Who is impacted?This threat affects virtually every computer and device with industry standard processors.
Estimated time until resolution: Web Hosting Hub is aware of the threat and actively applying patches.

Update: Due to the seriousness of the issue and due to the security implications, we made the decision to apply the updates to all of our servers. This required a reboot of each of the servers in order to move to the new patched kernel. The reboots concluded at 7:00 AM EST, and with very few exceptions, all are now patched against the exploit.

What are Spectre and Meltdown?

CPU exploits known as Meltdown and Spectre that can be used to monitor and intercept private information from a computer's operating system. This is considered a hardware vulnerability and is thus more difficult to mitigate by software means. However, patches are already being provided by major vendors and are being applied.

What happens now?

Web Hosting Hub is aware of the issue and working dilligently to make sure our fleet remains secure as always. Patches are going to be applied systematically over the next 24 hours.

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